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Christmas 2025, 2026 and 2027

Christmas Day is an annual holiday in Panama every 25 December. However, the Christmas season traditionally commences on 8 December. This is the day when there are massive kids’ parades with kids dressed up as angels and other Christmastime characters. This is also the day when families all over the country set up their nativity sets, many of which are family heirlooms.

202525 DecThuChristmas Day
202625 DecFriChristmas Day
202725 DecSatChristmas Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

In Panama, the main celebration begins on Christmas Eve. It is then that everyone in the family helps to prepare for a big Christmas Eve party and feast. Turkey with stuffing, sweet rice, tamales, and fruitcakes are common items on the menu. The food is not eaten until midnight.

And after eating, everyone goes outside to party and dance in the streets, while fireworks explode in the sky.

Next morning, people generally attend Christmas Day church services, and then after church, spend time visiting relatives and friends.

Previous Years

202425 DecWedChristmas Day
202325 DecMonChristmas Day